Monday, November 8, 2010

The Basics - 5 November 2010, Clubhouse: Tempo Hotel

w/ Georgia Fair, Bang Bang Boss Kelly

So tonight brought much the same type of crowd to Tempo as last night, however what was nice to see was that is was much larger. As for how many people actually came for the music though is another story (tonight being a Friday night as opposed to a school night).

I missed Big Band Boss Kelly this night, and I have to admit, Georgia Fair were not one to catch my attention. When they began a hushed silence came across the room in anticipation, however the longer their set continued, the more of the crowd they lost, or at least this is what I found. I won't lie, they lost me pretty early on their set... It's not that they weren't tight, or they didn't have brilliant songs, it's just that each one had the same type of vibe to it. Having the same energy for an entire set just doesn't sit right for me. I don't know. Maybe give me another listen to them sometime in a room that doesn't utterly sap the life-force from my body.

Tonight was my first Basics experience, and I was hoping for greatness, as, like I said, this venue was draining the life from me. But oh my, they were absolutely freaking fantastic. For one, they all wore suits. There is nothing better than a suit, and every man living on this earth looks better in one. Just quietly... Moving on. These seasoned musicians really do know how to put on a good show. Moving from one hit to the next, I saw groups upon groups of people dancing and singing along. It was encouraging to see, and also made me a little sad, as these guys are taking quite a substantial break (if they come back together at all) so that they can focus on individual projects. This has mainly come about from Wally (Aka Gotye) working on the release of new material. It's funny how easily you could tell with these guys who wrote which song. I know Kris and Wally sing the songs they write, but their style of songwriting is do diverse yet they complement each other so well.

Having just got into The Basics, I am quite the sad that I won't be able to see them again for a good long while, so I can only image what long time fans would be feeling. Let us all hope though that they do reconnect in the future for some more fun filled gigs like this one.

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