Regurgitator, John Steel Singers, The Boat People, Ball Park Music, Numbers Radio
So back I go for Float On... Night Two! More Regurgitator with possibly my favourite band, The Boat People and a whole bunch of other talent! After all the good times that happened the night before I am guessing shenanigans run amok tonight.
Up first were Numbers Radio and it was a little disappointing to see that they played to an empty room. With the set times having them start 15 minutes after doors open, I suppose that was to be expected. Still, a little saddening, because they were awesome and sounded so incredible. From what I've heard the Hifi can be a difficult room to play sometimes due to sound issues, however, they sounded incredible! I would like to hear more of this band, they intrigued me. I do like it when a band intrigues me.
Next on were the ever impressive Ball Park Music. Tonight they completely mixed up their set, and it was brilliant. To a music fan who goes to almost every gig of a particular band, the last thing they want to hear is the same set over and over again, with almost no variation. They still want to hear all the songs, but they don't want to hear them in the same format, in the same order every time. That's the way to make a fan not come to gigs. Ball Park Music don't do this. They completely rearranged some of their songs tonight, adding a ballad-esk intro to one of the favourites, and playing 'iFly' much, much earlier in the set. Also they keep a range of song both old and new. Things from their first EP through to things they are currently recording. This alone makes them interesting to watch, as you never know what you're going to get. Also, they are far from a boring band to watch.
The Boat People. Where do I start... This band changed my life. Yet of late I find myself not wanting to go to their gigs. Because of the what makes Ball Park Music so interesting to follow. Their set has basically been the same since when they released their album in July of last year. They play almost only songs from this record, forgetting about those that made them great. They play nothing from "yesyesyesyesyes" and only 'Light of Love (You Got A...)' from "Chandeliers", and to tell you the truth, (and 'Light of Love' is quite possibly my favourite song of theirs, so it hurts me to say this) 'Light of Love' is sounding tired. For as long as I've heard them play, it has been their final song. And it works so well as a final song, but... I would love to hear them play some old stuff, 'Unsettle My Heart' is nothing short of brilliant. Bring that back maybe? Enough said on this.
It was the John Steel Singers that brought forward the crowd into the bottom level of the Hifi and really kicked off the night. Their mix of lush vocals harmonies, guitars, and those ever present brass sounds really brings out what this band are really about. While some other occasions JSS haven't captured me, tonight they were on fire. I would quite like to understand whey bands change their stage set up from gig to gig. Compared to Laneway, only a couple of days previous, they had swapped the staging of the keys with the 12-string guitar. Hungry Kids of Hungary do this on a regular basis also, as I'm sure most bands do, but I would love to know what the reasoning is behind this. Regardless, these guys play a killer set, even when told that they are going quite the overtime and have to cut some of their set, making the bass player struggle on a bass with different tuning... Poor guy.
Last up this night were Regurgitator. And if the previous night's performance left you wanting the rest of the set, tonight more than covered it! I was worried that they would be playing almost the same set as the night before with a coupld of changes, but no. They played a completely different set, dropping many, but adding many more, while keeping the big favourites. It was like tonight completed the set they didn't get to finish the night before, and made for the full experience. For me tonight, I ventured away from the safety towards the middle of the room, and thrust myself in amongst it. And you know what? It was freakingsweet! So, so awesome! Such a different experience than just standing watching a gig. To be in the mosh for a band like this... mmm. Awesome.
And thus ends the epicness that was Float On. I do truly hope that a shitload of money was raised for the floods, because you know what? These two nights have probably been the best musical experience of my life so far. And I believe more than a couple of those who were there would be saying the same thing.
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