Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tigertown - 23 June 2013, Black Bear Lodge

 w/ The Starry Field, Mountains

Tigertown are an entity unto themselves. The five-piece boast luscious harmonies and a cleanly polished set. The Sydneysiders played to a sold out Black Bear Lodge for their 'What You Came Here For' National tour, which is already deserving of kudos!

Opening the night was Mountains. The front-man has a really interesting voice that is captivating to listen to. As he played his first song without the rest of the band, I was somewhat enchanted. When the rest of the band did join him on stage, the sound they created was a perfect balance of electronic sounds meets live performance. The drummer played a semi-electric kit, but what sets this band apart from mindless electronic music was the fact that it wasn’t smacking you in the face. It was controlled yet with the balls-y synth layers it was the perfect underlay for the brilliant vocals. An all-round classy act.

Next to warm up the stage were The Starry Field. To tell you the truth, I was not altogether impressed. While front-man Mark Myers has a stunning voice, he sang in the same sweet spot in his voice for almost the entirety of the set. This made everything, regardless of the nature of the song, sound a bit 'same-same'. That said, however, they had a nice range of songs, the last song of their set being a particular highlight.

I’ve heard bits and pieces from headliners Tigertown, but I've never really had a listening party. But tonight, I was simply blown away. Tigertown themselves are truly a sensational little band and to me have a very Fleetwook Mac kind of sound. Also, they have such precision in their playing and it makes everything sound just a little too easy - in the best possible way. Their latest single 'What You Came Here For' is, frankly, remarkable. It has all the makings of a little indie hit.

The girls work so well together as vocalists, and it was a pleasure to listen to them sing. When the entire band come to the front to perform their acoustic song, it was simply stunning and totally different from everything else in their already diverse repertoire. The band’s music is a really nice balance of simple electro, music you want to pulse along to and music you actually want to listen to. Forgive the corniness, but it is, quite simply, music to make you happy.

For a first listen, I was really impressed by this band. They have so much going for them, and their career is only just beginning. If you do ever have an opportunity to check them out, make sure you do. You will not regret it in the slightest.

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